Location: West Argyll, Scotland
Area size: 4,000m²
Product: Verdyol Biotic Earth™
Client: GreenPower (Carraig Gheal) Ltd
Project Background
To allow the construction of the Carraig Gheal wind farm, upgrading the existing tracks across the site was required and in some cases new access had to be built.
Due to the nature of the project it was not feasible to import the required topsoil to dress the exposed stone that made up the roadside verges and batters, so another way to establish new vegetation onto the ≥40° slopes was required prevent any scaring the new road might cause to the outstanding natural beauty of the area.
Applying Verdyol Biotic Earth, we were able to add the much needed organic matter to the crushed stone required to support new vegetation. Once applied, the areas were then hydroseeded using a specialist seed mixture that would cope with the harsh ground conditions and a high performance hydromulch to protect the treated area from erosion and retain moisture.
By working closely with the Environmental Management Team we were able to ensure their expectations were met and non contaminations of surrounding land or water was successfully achieved.
Within one month new vegetation on the previously barren areas was establishing, This has continued, the slopes are now fully vegetated, blending seamlessly into to Scottish Highlands.
About Verdyol Biotic Earth Soil Amendment
Verdyol Biotic Earth is a soil amendment designed to improve the rate of seed germination and plant growth on areas with poor soils or where little to no soil is present, eliminating the need for importing expensive topsoil. Applied first, it is then hydroseeded on top of to aid moisture retention and prevent erosion.
Carraig Gheal Wind Farm (Biotic Earth) – Case Study