Biotic Soil Treatment, Brynmenyn

Location: Brynmenyn, South Wales
Area Size: 6,000m²
Product: Verdyol Biotic Earth™ Soil Amendment
Client: Ceejay Landscapes Ltd / Redrow Homes

Project Background

Ceejay Landscapes approached RMB Hydroseeding to establish new vegetation on a large area of land situated behind a new Redrow Homes housing development.


Prior to the commencement of hydroseeding the area was lacking any vegetation and was used as a flood plain. With no topsoil and the ground serverly compacted, establishment of new vegetation would be difficult.


Due to the area being a flood plain a specialised seed mixture was used in order to ensure that once the vegetation established the area would still fulfil its function as a flood plain. A fertility builder seed mix was used based on the advice of RMB Hydroseeding. This seed mix contained three different types of clover that provided good pollination and would allow the area to remain a flood plain after the establishment of vegetation. In order to combat the compacted ground RMB Hydroseeding de-compacted the ground prior to commencing seeding. This allowed the seed to establish easier and aerated the ground. After preparation was complete, Verdyol Biotic Earth was applied to the area along with an organic fertiliser. Finally, a high performance mulch was applied to seal the surface to retain moisture and prevent erosion.


This application was a success and within 6 month the area is covered with dense vegetation despite no topsoil being present.

About Verdyol Biotic Earth Soil Amendment

Verdyol Biotic Earth is a soils amendment designed to improve the rate of seed germination and plant growth on areas with poor soils or where little to no soil is present, eliminating the need for importing expensive topsoil. Applied first, it is then hydroseeded on to provide moisture retention and preventing erosion.

Biotic Soil, Brynmenyn
Biotic Soil, Brynmenyn
Biotic Soil, Brynmenyn
Biotic Soil, Brynmenyn
Biotic Soil, Brynmenyn
Biotic Soil, Brynmenyn

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